
Rubina Adeel2024-05-15

No plans for taxation on solar net metering: Awais Leghari

average 5 minutes read.

Pakistani Federal Minister for Power Division Awais Leghari on Wednesday ruled out any plans of the government to impose taxes on the solar net metering.
The Government will not withdraw its regulations related to net metering for the already installed solar systems, he told a local television channel.


However, he said, the matter could come under consideration in next few years as the net metering could lead to fiscal losses and increase in circular debt.

Net metering is a billing exchange tool that allows the consumers to send excess energy generated by solar panels to the local grid in exchange of credits to their monthly electricity bills.

He said, steps were being taken to improve customer care at distribution companies, checking power theft and ensure crackdown against pilferage. He vowed ensuring zero tolerance against service standards.

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